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See below the percentage of benefit accomplished with only dividend since 1 years.
Here is the list of the companies giving the best dividends of January 1th, 2015.

Code Name Total Dividende %Profit
1BCF Builders Capital Mortage Corp 1.00$ 10.26%
2AWI Advent Wireless 0.10$ 5.92%
3AII Amadeus International 0.03$ 4.62%
4MCS McChip Resources 0.05$ 4.35%
5PM Prism Medical Ltd. 0.37$ 4.07%
6CAA Callinan Mines 0.08$ 4.04%
7SAT Asian Television Ntwrk In 0.10$ 3.51%
8CMI C-Com Satellite Sys Inc 0.04$ 3.20%
9UNI UNOR Inc. 0.05$ 2.86%
10M EMM Energy Inc 0.30$ 2.50%
11GMN GobiMin 0.01$ 2.04%
12IEI Imperial Equities 0.09$ 1.95%

This view is displayed for your information.
There is no guarantee that dividend will be the same this year, each company can reduce or increase the dividend anytime.
Make your own analyses and consult your broker before buying or selling stock that give dividend.

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